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Picky Pet

Your satisfaction and success as a pet owner is our number one priority at ReptiBites. We’ll do everything we can to provide you with access to world class care for your pet.  We can’t promise we’ll always be perfect, but we can promise we’ll make things right whenever we fall short.

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We don’t like waiting for support, and neither should you. We offer text based support during our business hours; 9-5 MT. If you message us outside these hours, we’ll respond first thing the next day.

Simply text our team and tell us what’s going on. We do our best to resolve the issue within 5 minutes. In rare cases, it may take us longer than that. We get to your message as quickly as humanly possible. 

Our number: ‪(720) 263-7177‬ (please note this number is not set up to take calls)

What We'll Cover

Why don't you offer customizations?

Changing the food we ship to you each week can have a pretty big impact on the nutrient breakdown that ends up being provided to your pet.It usually is fairly easy to help your beardie enjoy new foods with a little effort. Each insect type in our subscriptions has a completely different nutrient breakdown, meaning they are all important. 
As an example, a kid might be totally happy to only eat candy, but that just wouldn’t provide the right nutrition of a balanced diet. It’s the same for your pet!

How can I get my pet to enjoy all the food from my subscription?

Okay, let’s dig into some proven strategies that can help your bearded dragon get excited about a wider array of insects.

1. Gradual Introduction

Start by mixing the new insects with their current favorites. If your beardie is used to mealworms, for example, try including a couple of crickets or Dubia roaches along with them. The familiar scent and sight of the mealworms might make your dragon more willing to try something new.

2. Hand Feeding

It’s not just about what you offer, but how you offer it. Hand feeding can be a bonding experience and allows you to directly introduce the new insect to your dragon. Hold the new insect with feeding tongs and move it around to grab your dragon’s attention. A moving target often piques their interest more than stationary food.

3. The Hunger Game

This is typically the most effective approach. Your dragon is less likely to be choosy if it’s hungry. Cut back slightly on their regular feeding for up to three days and then introduce the new insect. Hunger can be a powerful motivator to try new things.

4. Scenting

Sometimes beardies are put off by the unfamiliar smell of a new insect. You can trick them by scenting the new insects with the juice or flesh of a fruit they enjoy.

5. Insect ‘Cocktails’

Once your dragon is a bit more adventurous, try offering a variety of insects in a single meal. Mixing various insects together to create an insect “cocktail” that can help your dragon learn to enjoy new foods. This is helpful if your dragon really likes one food item, but hesitates to try a new one. Mixing the two can help introduce the new food smoothly. 

8. The Presentation

Liven up the food bowl by adding your beardie’s favorite vegetables in with the insects. By offering your beardie more variety at once, they’ll get used to trying different things.

9. Persistence is Key

Finally, if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Tastes change, and what your dragon refuses today, they may happily gobble up tomorrow.

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Explanation of how we used the source. This source provides clear guidance on the importance of diet diversity. It should also include a bit about the source. Mark Mitchell is a well known researcher and has published 200 book chapters.