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Responsible Pet Care Starts Here.

Flat Rate Shipping

High Quality Insects

Predicable Expenses

Provided quantities are carefully selected by age. You’ll receive 4 insect types: Dubia Roaches, hornworms, superworms, and Black Solider Fly Larvae. 

If things don’t make it to you in great shape, no worries. We’ll take care of it. 

We’ve done careful research to establish the right feeding quantity based on your pets age. We use a high precision scale to ensure you receive exactly as much as the science says you need!

Let's Talk Diet.

The Food Your Pet Needs.

The research is clear: poor diet is a common cause of illness in captive reptiles. With ReptiBites, you can be confident you’re feeding your pet the diet they need to thrive.

Up to

0 x

the calcium content of a cricket-only diet  

Less than

0 %

of subscribers report health issues*

Packed with Nutrients.

Diversity is critical when it comes to proper diet. Every feeder insect contains very different nutritional content. Experts agree, by feeding a variety of insects you can cover all your pets nutritional needs. 

Up to...

0 x

Key Nutrients

0 x


0 x

Key Vitamins

of a single insect diet

Structured. Simple.

Take the guesswork out of feeding. All subscriptions include a recommended feeding schedule to keep you on track. It’s built utilizing the latest research. Proper nutrition just got way easier. 

How ReptiBites was built

Decades of research
In one small box.

ReptiBites is the product of interdisciplinary research across various scientific fields, all in an effort to help you feed your pet the diet they actually need. Let’s talk about how ReptiBites was designed, and what we learned along the way. 

Benefits of better diet

Let’s say you’ve been feeding your pet crickets for the past year. Why should you consider changing to a better diet? We think the answer is clear. It’s the easiest way to keep your pet happy and healthy for a long time to come. Let’s break down the true benefits.

At the end of your pet’s life, you’d do anything to buy just 15 more minutes. The good news is you can get a lot longer than that. Properly fed pets will live much longer, and are at a far lower risk of life threatening illnesses compared to those that eat a poor diet. It’s just like humans.

Benefits Supported

Longer Life

More Time With Your Pet

At the heart of your pet’s well-being is a strong, steady beat. The heart is a nutrient-sensitive organ. A proper diet helps maintain your pet’s health by providing essential nutrients like calcium, fatty acids, and vitamins.

Benefits Supported

Cardiovascular Support

A proper diet delivers a balanced blend of proteins, complex carbohydrates, and essential vitamins that boost energy levels and overall stamina. An active, energetic pet not only thrives physically but also provides a more engaging experience for you as an owner.

Benefits Supported

Healthy Metabolism

Your Experience

Prevent the heartbreak of premature loss. A nutrient-rich diet shields your pet from avoidable illnesses, ensuring vibrant health and longevity. By investing in quality nutrition, you eliminate the guilt associated with neglect, preserving a lifetime of joyful companionship and well-being.

Benefits Supported

Your Experience

Investing in proper nutrition today pays off tomorrow. A balanced diet not only boosts your pet’s vitality but also prevents costly health issues, significantly reducing future vet bills and related expenses. Enjoy long-term savings and quality time with your pet.

Benefits Supported

Your Wallet

Diet diversity is king.

“By expanding the dietary offerings provided to captive reptiles, we can ensure they are exposed to a broader range of nutrients, as well as limit the likelihood of the pets developing a nutritional disease.”

Dr. Mark Mitchell - Past President of the Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians

“This author believes that provision of a diet as varied as possible is the best approach to maintaining insectivorous reptiles.”

Dr. Ryan De Voe - Senior Veterinarian at the North Carolina Zoological Park

“The biggest mistake I see pet owners make is diet. They just do not feed enough diversity.” 

Cameron Young - Wildlife Biologist and Founder of My Nature Lab

The heart of ReptiBites is diversity

Solider Fly Larvae

Solider Fly Larvae

Promotes bone health and development

Promotes bone, muscular and neurological health

Enables proper calcium absorption

Dubia Roach

Dubia Roach

For muscle
growth and maintenance

For everyday activity and movement

Promotes bone, muscular and neurological health



Promotes bone health and development

Easy to feed and enjoyed by most

Protects nerve and muscle tissue



Keeps your pet hydrated

Promotes bone health and development

Easy to eat and digest

How do we compare?

Why does this stuff matter?


Single Insect Diet

DIY Combo Diet

Provides More Key Nutrients

Closer Match To Your Pets Wild Diet

Built & Delivered For You

Expert Approved

Calcium Phosphorus Ratio (Ca:P)



Customers (and their pets)
love ReptiBites

We’ve helped hundreds of pets owners take better care of their pets. Here’s what a few of them had to say


Based on website customer reviews


What's Included?

Your insect deliveries will contain a custom curated quantity of 4+ insect species. We design your subscription around your pet’s species and age to give them the perfect nutritional make-up they need to be healthy.

You’ll receive a delivery once every two weeks. This way, the insects you get are always fresh, and you’ll never have to worry about caring for them. We ship all insects with food to keep them healthy until your pet is ready for them. 

We charge a flat rate $4.99 shipping fee. We know everyone likes free, but this way we can make sure your package arrives in an estimated 1-3 working days. 

The satisfaction of reptile owners and their pets is our number one priority. If you have any issues with your shipment at all, simply contact and we will try our hardest to make things right. That’s the ReptiBites Guarantee.

We always send extra bugs. Shipping live animals doesn’t always go perfectly. This way you’re covered in the case of minor insect death. This also gives you the flexibility to make adjustments to your pet’s feeding schedule as you see fit. If you find you have way too many extras, you can feed the to another pet, dispose of them by placing them in the freezer for a day, or delay your next delivery by a couple days: free bugs!

There’s really three parts to our feeding schedules: 

  • Feeding Frequency: Generally younger and small animals need to eat more often. We match the feeding frequency of our schedules to the wild feeding behavior of your pet’s species. 
  • Feeding Quanity: We leverage a scientific and mathematical approach called metabolic rate. This approach accurately estimates the energy your pet requires based on their age, weight, and species, and how much food they need to meet that need. The schedules in our subscriptions are designed for the typical animal toward the middle of your subscriptions age range. If your pet is younger or older, you may consider making minor adjustments. See our section on ‘making adjustments’ 
  • Diet Diversity: Over the two week schedule, we seek to maximize the diversity of your pets diet while also accounting for the ‘self-life’ of each insect type. 

Every animal is different. While our subscriptions provide a much better starting point than most recommendations, it’s still a good idea to make slight adjustments to your provided feeding schedule. Here are some reasons you might want to consider making adjustments: 

  • Your pet is toward the younger or older range of your subscription age class
  • Your pet is naturally smaller or larger than other individuals of their age
  • Your pet is very active, or very inactive
  • Your pet needs some help with weight management

Before making adjustments, first consider your reasons for making the change. Don’t trust your pet. Almost all pets will seem hungry and ‘beg’ for more food. It’s just in their nature!

As a general recommendation, If you think your pet needs a little less food, feed 1-4 fewer insects each feeding, or skip 1-2 feedings per week. If you think your pet needs a little more food, feed 1-4 more insects each feeding.

If your pet is moderately active, and not over or under weight, the below calculator does an excellent job of providing a base recommendation. Keep in mind, this recommendation will be for a feeding amount that maintains your dragons body mass. If your animal needs help with weight management, it will not provide an accurate estimation, and you will need to adjust it further. Interestingly, the calculator is still fairly accurate for growing animals of a healthy body weight. 

We recommend the following work flow to dial in your animals diet perfectly: 

  • Weigh your animal and use the recorded weight in combination with the calculator to assess if our standard feeding schedule needs any adjustments
  • Then consider your animals current body condition, and determine if further adjustments are needed:
    • If at a healthy weight and body condition, very minor adjustment should be needed
    • If at a sub-optimal body condition, follow the above recommendation as a starting point to adjusting the calculator’s suggested feeding amount
  • Record and track your animals weight weekly, along with visual inspections of their body condition
  • Continue to dial things in and make adjustments 

The good news is by using a more science based approach, your already are much more likely to be very close to a perfect feeding schedule. With some attention to detail, you can customize it to give your pet exactly what they need. 

Bearded Dragons: Making Adjustments

Bearded Dragon Feeding Calculator

Bearded Dragon Feeding Calculator


The first and most important part of making adjustments is considering your bearded dragons current age, and body condition. You can also consider your pet’s set up and activity level. Our feeding schedules are designed to feed a properly housed and active pet. If your pet is kept in a smaller than recommend enclosure, or is otherwise not very active, our feeding schedule likely recommends too much food. The best way to determine this is by assessing their body condition weekly, and making small adjustments to their feeding schedule as required. 

For animals on the lower end of the your subscriptions age range, we recommend decreasing the number of insects per feeding by 1-2 for superworms and Dubia Roaches and by 5-7 for BSFL. 

For animals on the higher end of your subscriptions age range, we recommend increasing the number of insects per feeding by 1-2 for superworms and Dubia Roaches and by 5 for BSFL.  It’s important to be cautious whenever increasing your feeding quantity. Keep a close eye on your animals body condition and adjust accordingly.

The below chart describes various body conditions. Give your dragon a close look and determine where they fall. If their weight needs adjustment, refer to the top section for recommendation. Keep a close eye on things and continue to make adjustments until their body condition improves. 

For sub-adult and adult animals, body condition will become more important and sensitive as their growth slows. 

If you have concerns over your pet’s body condition, or would like personalized information, we recommend you speak with a registered vet. 

Bearded Dragon weight chart
Image Credit: ReptileNerdPostsStuff

Leopard Gecko: Making Adjustments

Leopard Gecko Feeding Calculator

Leopard Gecko Feeding Calculator


The first and most important part of making adjustments is considering your leopard gecko’s current age, and body condition. You can also consider your pet’s set up and activity level. Our feeding schedules are designed to feed a properly housed and active pet. If your pet is kept in a smaller than recommend enclosure, or is otherwise not very active, our feeding schedule likely recommends too much food. The best way to determine this is by assessing their body condition weekly, and making small adjustments to their feeding schedule as required. 

For animals on the lower end of the your subscriptions age range, we recommend decreasing the number of insects per feeding by 1-2 for superworms and Dubia Roaches and by 2-3 for BSFL. 

For animals on the higher end of your subscriptions age range, we recommend increasing the number of insects per feeding by 1-2 for superworms and Dubia Roaches and by 2-3 for BSFL.  It’s important to be cautious whenever increasing your feeding quantity. Keep a close eye on your animals body condition and adjust accordingly.

The below chart describes various body conditions. Give your gecko a close look and determine where they fall. If their weight needs adjustment, refer to the above section for recommendation. Keep a close eye on things and continue to make adjustments until their body condition improves. 

For sub-adult and adult animals, body condition will become more important and sensitive as their growth slows. 

If you have concerns over your pet’s body condition, or would like personalized information, we recommend you speak with a registered vet. 

Image Credit: Nora The Explorer

Typically no! Just keep them in a cool dark place and you’re all set. If you notice your Superworms/Dubia Roaches have run out of their water source (carrots), it’s not a bad idea to throw some small vegetable chunks into their containers as a moisture source. Both the Hornworms and Solider Fly Larvae have shorter shelf lives in warm temps, so do your best to keep them cool but the fridge is too cold for them!

*based on data collected from ReptiBites subscribers. This is not properly structured science and should be considered appropriately. ReptiBites makes no guarantees concerning the health of your pet. We simply offer an easy way to feed a great diet. You’re responsible for ensuring general pet health.

“Die-off between pet retailer and the home is 81% in a year. The aquarium and reptile industry manifests nearly the same lethality as a slaughterhouse”

Dr. Clifford Warwick

Dr. Byron De La Navarre

“Many reptiles and amphibians die prematurely; malnutrition is often a factor in this early demise.”

Don't Harm Your Pet.

Your pet relies on your to thrive. Be a responsible pet owner. Feed the diet they need. 

A human can’t eat McDonalds for every meal, why should your pet eat one insect type?

ReptiBites Trusted Source

Based on various research completed by Mark Finke and team

Calcium value based on user following the suggested feeding schedule breakdown

Scientific research paper


Explanation of how we used the source. This source provides clear guidance on the importance of diet diversity. It should also include a bit about the source. Mark Mitchell is a well known researcher and has published 200 book chapters.